Back Pain Treatment in East Kilbride

sports therapist performing injury assessment and tests on back muscles for pain

Back pain can cause a lot of disruption and misery in your daily life. At Outlaw, we're here to help you understand your back pain and find ways to manage it effectively.


Get To Grips With Back Pain

Back pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain. It can affect your lower back, middle back, or upper back.

Common back issues we see at Outlaw include:
- Lower back pain
- Muscle tension and stiffness
- Posture-related discomfort
- Sports-related back strain

What Can Cause Back Pain?

At the clinic, we often see back pain resulting from:

1. Poor posture, especially for those with desk jobs
2. Lifting heavy objects incorrectly (common in retail or warehouse work)
3. Sports injuries (incorrect technique at the gym , football , powerlifting)
4. Prolonged sitting, like during long commutes
5. Muscle imbalances or weakness

Even everyday activities can sometimes lead to back pain. We've helped clients who developed issues from gardening or playing with kids or even sleeping wrong.

Wondering what might be behind your back pain? Our guide on [Understanding Your Back Pain] might help.

Signs of Back Problems

Look out for:
- Pain that gets worse with certain movements
- Stiffness, especially in the morning
- Muscle spasms or tension
- Difficulty standing up straight
- Pain that travels down your leg

At Outlaw, we'll do a thorough check of your back, looking at how you move and what might be causing your discomfort.

Want to book in for an check over for back pain?  Start with an intitial assessment [learn about our sports therapy initial assessment here].

How We Can Help at Outlaw Athlete Therapy

We offer several approaches to help with back pain:

1. Hands-on therapy to improve spine and muscle flexibility
2. Exercises to strengthen your back and core muscles
3. Advice on how to move better in your daily life
4. Soft tissue techniques like massage
5. Guidance on maintaining a healthy back

Many people have found relief or how to manage their backpain at Outlaw. One example is Ella who came to see us after straining her back during a deadlift . You can read Ella's feedback and review over on Google. [Ella's results and experience at Outlaw].


Preventing Back Pain

Keeping your back healthy is key. Here are some tips:

1. Maintain good posture, especially if you work at a desk
2. Use proper lifting techniques
3. Stay active - swimming at Dollan Aqua Centre is great for your back
4. Strengthen your core muscles
5. Take regular breaks if you sit for long periods


Why Choose Outlaw for Back Pain


Here's why people choose us:

- We know about both work-related and sports-related back problems
- We're easy to get to, near the town centre
- We offer appointments that fit around your schedule
- We look at your overall health, not just your back pain


Learn more about our team on our [About Us]page.

Common Questions About Back Pain

Q: Should I rest completely if I have back pain?
A: Not always. Gentle movement can often help. We can guide you on what's best for your situation.

Q: Can stress cause back pain?
A: Yes, stress can cause muscle tension in your back, which can lead to pain.

Q: How long will it take for my back pain to get better?
A: It varies depending on what's causing your pain and how severe it is. We'll give you a better idea after we've assessed you.


Ready to Tackle Your Back Pain?

Don't let back pain stop you from enjoying life in East Kilbride. Whether you want to get back to sports, work comfortably, or just move without pain, we're here to help.

Book an appointment today and let's get you moving better. [online booking system].

At Outlaw Athlete Therapy, we don't just treat back pain - we help you build a stronger, more flexible back for a more comfortable and active life.

[Jargon Buster]
- Spine: The column of bones (vertebrae) that supports your body and protects your spinal cord
- Core muscles: The muscles around your trunk, including your abdominal and lower back muscles
- Posture: The position in which you hold your body while standing, sitting, or lying down
- Muscle imbalance: When some muscles are stronger or tighter than others, which can affect how you move

10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
08.00 AM - 12.00 PM
light writing version of outlaw athlete therapy logo sports therapy clinic in east kilbride
Outlaw Athlete Therapy Sports Therapy Clinic Located In East Kilbride , Glasgow. specialising in joint/muscle health , pain , injury and movment improvement/performance. Family Clinic ran by husband and wife team who are qualified sports therapists , strength coaches and injury rehabilitation personal trainers.
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