Knee Pain Treatment in East Kilbride

following on from sports intitial assesment the imnage shows athletes continued treatment at clinic

Knee pain can be abolutely miserable. At Outlaw, we're here to help you get to grips with your knee issues and find practical ways to sort them out. Whether it's giving you grief during your morning run or making stairs a challenge, we'll work with you to get your knees back on track.

Learn About Knee Pain & Options For Pain , Recovery & Managment

Knee pain can range from a mild annoyance to a debilitating condition. It can affect people of all ages and activity levels.

Common knee conditions include:
- Osteoarthritis
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner's knee) [we wrote an indepth article about runners knee here]
- Meniscus tears
- Ligament injuries (ACL, MCL)
- Tendinitis


Causes of Knee Pain

In the clinic, we often see knee pain and injuries resulting from:

1. Sports injuries (particularly in football, running and rugby) [ you can read our blog on knee pain and running and how it might not actually be your knee!)
2. Overuse from repetitive activities
3. Age-related wear and tear
4. Sudden turns or twists
5. Being overweight, which puts extra stress on the knees

Honestly though everyday activities  can contribute to knee pain. We've treated clients who developed knee issues from climbing the stairs or banging it against something.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Look out for these signs of knee problems:

- Pain, especially when bearing weight
- Swelling or stiffness
- Instability or weakness
- Popping or crunching noises
- Inability to fully straighten the knee

At Outlaw, we use a whole picture approach to diagnose knee issues, including detailed physical examinations and understanding your liefstyle and medical history. If something is out with our scope we will signpost you to professional we believe can help.

Treatment Options at Outlaw Athlete Therapy

We offer a variety of treatments for knee pain, tailored to your specific condition:

1. Manual therapy techniques such as sports massage or deep tissue
2. Targeted strengthening exercises ( we offer injury rehab in gym based setting and we can do it online too!)
3. Gait analysis and retraining
4. Kinesio taping and bracing
5. Education on joint protection and pain management


Prevention Strategies

Preventing knee pain is key to maintaining an active lifestyle. Here are some tips:

1. Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on your knees
2. Wear proper footwear, especially when exercising
3. Warm up before physical activities
4. Strengthen the muscles around your knees, particularly quadriceps and hamstrings
5. Use proper technique when exercising or playing sports


Why Choose Outlaw for Knee Pain Treatment in East Kilbride

At Outlaw Athlete Therapy, we understand your unique needs. Here's why we're the top choice for knee pain treatment:

- Expertise in both sports-related and age-related knee conditions
- Convenient location near East Kilbride town centre
- Flexible appointment times to fit your busy schedule
- A holistic approach that considers your overall health and lifestyle



Learn more about our skilled team on our [About Us] page or see [our approach]

FAQs About Knee Pain

Q: Do I need surgery for my knee pain?
A: Not all knee conditions require surgery. We'll assess your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. If we believe your condition is out with our scope or serious we will sign post you to the relevant professional.

Q: Can I still exercise with knee pain?
A: In many cases, yes! We can guide you on safe exercises that may even help alleviate your pain.

Q: How long does it take to recover from knee pain?
A: Recovery time varies depending on the cause and severity of your knee pain. We'll give you a more specific timeline after your assessment.


Ready to Overcome Your Knee Pain?

Don't let knee pain hold you back from doing what you love or simply enjoying your daily actvities. Whether you want to get back to your favourite sport, or simply walk without discomfort, we're here to help you achieve your goals.

Book your consultation today and take the first step towards pain-free knees.  [online booking system].

At Outlaw Athlete Therapy, we don't just treat knee pain – we help you build stronger, healthier knees for a more active life with the aim of you being mobile ,happy and in comfort.

10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
08.00 AM - 12.00 PM
light writing version of outlaw athlete therapy logo sports therapy clinic in east kilbride
Outlaw Athlete Therapy Sports Therapy Clinic Located In East Kilbride , Glasgow. specialising in joint/muscle health , pain , injury and movment improvement/performance. Family Clinic ran by husband and wife team who are qualified sports therapists , strength coaches and injury rehabilitation personal trainers.
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