Muscle Strain Treatment in East Kilbride

image of IASMT rockblades for scraping therapy

Muscle pain can be a real pain in the... well, anywhere. At Outlaw, we get it. We've dealt with our fair share of aches and strains, both as therapists and athletes. That's why we're passionate about helping you overcome muscle issues and get back to doing what you love. No fuss, no jargon - just practical, effective treatment tailored to you. Ready to tackle that pain head-on?

Whether you've overdone it on the football pitch or lifted something too heavy or awkwardly at home, muscle strains can happen to anyone for a whole host of reasons. At Outlaw  we're here to help you understand and recover from muscle strains so you can back to sports , work and daily activities strong and with ease.

Understanding Muscle Strains

A muscle strain, often called a "pulled muscle," happens when muscle fibres are stretched too far or torn. It can range from mild discomfort to more severe pain.

Common muscle strains we see here at the clinic include:
- Hamstring strains (back of the thigh)
- Calf strains
- Lower back strains
- Neck muscle strains

What Can Cause Muscle Strains?

We often see muscle strains resulting from:

1. Sports activities (especially football and rugby)
2. Lifting heavy items without proper technique
3. Sudden movements or falls
4. Poor posture, particularly for those with desk jobs

We've helped clients who strained muscles while playing with their kids , even twisting to grab something behind them and

from being tackled during a game of rugby.

Curious about what might have caused your strain?

Signs of a Muscle Strain

Look out for:
- Sudden pain during activity
- Soreness and stiffness, especially after resting
- Bruising or redness in the area
- Weakness in the muscle
- Limited movement

At Outlaw, we'll do a thorough check of your muscle, looking at how it moves and what might be causing your discomfort.

Learn more about how we assess muscle strains on our intitial assessment page [Sports Therapy Initial Assessment]

How We Can Help at Outlaw Athlete Therapy

We offer several approaches to help with muscle strains:

1. Hands-on therapy to improve muscle flexibility and reduce pain
2. Exercises to strengthen the affected muscle and surrounding areas
3. Advice on how to move better in your daily life
4. Sports massage to help with recovery
5. Guidance on when it's safe to return to your usual activities

this is one of our more common complaints at the clinic. We have helped people from all walks of life who has visited us for all sorts of reasons how they got a strain and how bad it was. Christine is one example, she is a master powerlifter and picked up a bicep strain . This can happen a lot in powerlifting from deadlifting over and under , Ross quickly identified the issue and in thankfully wasn't too bad so was treated with sports massage therapy. You can check out Christine result and feedback over on Google.  [Christines Feedback And Experience]


Preventing Muscle Strains

Keeping your muscles healthy is key , this is why we reccomend monthly MoT massages as a tool to do just that and to choose deep tissue as your maintenance massage.

Here are some tips and it's not an exaustive list:

1. Warm up before exercise or sports
2. Stretch regularly, especially after sitting for long periods
3. Build up your exercise intensity gradually
4. Use good form when lifting or exercising
5. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet


Why Choose Outlaw for Muscle Strain Help

At Outlaw Athlete Therapy, muscle strains and pains are our speciality. Our expertise goes beyond textbook knowledge – we bring first-hand experience from our own sports training and gym workouts. This unique perspective allows us to truly understand what you're going through.

Here's why people choose us for muscle strain treatment:

1. Specialised Knowledge: We focus on muscle strains and pains, making us experts in this field.

2. Personal Experience: We've been in your shoes, dealing with niggles, strains, and minor tears ourselves.

3. Comprehensive Care: Your rehabilitation doesn't end when you leave our clinic. We provide a complete recovery journey, from initial treatment to full strength restoration.

4. Tailored Approach: We create personalised treatment plans that address your specific needs and goals.

5. Beyond Recovery: Our aim isn't just to heal your injury – we work to make you stronger and more comfortable than before.

6. Long-term Support: We're with you every step of the way, ensuring you regain full function and prevent future injuries.


Common Questions About Muscle Strains

Q: Should I use ice or heat for a muscle strain?
A: Generally, ice is best for the first 48-72 hours. After that, heat can be helpful. We can guide you on what's best for your situation.

Q: Can I exercise with a muscle strain?
A: It depends on the severity. We can advise you on safe exercises during your recovery.

Q: How long does it take for a muscle strain to heal?
A: It varies depending on the severity and location of the strain. We'll give you a better idea after we've assessed you.



Ready to Recover from Your Muscle Strain?

 Let's get you moving comfortably again.

Book an appointment today and let's get you on the road to recovery. Call us at 07916716058 or use our [online booking system]

At Outlaw, we don't just treat muscle strains - we help you build stronger, more resilient muscles for a more active life.

[Jargon Buster]
- Muscle fibres: The individual cells that make up your muscles
- Flexibility: How easily your muscles can stretch
- Sports massage: A type of massage that focuses on muscles used in sports and exercise
- Hamstring: The group of muscles at the back of your thigh

10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
08.00 AM - 12.00 PM
light writing version of outlaw athlete therapy logo sports therapy clinic in east kilbride
Outlaw Athlete Therapy Sports Therapy Clinic Located In East Kilbride , Glasgow. specialising in joint/muscle health , pain , injury and movment improvement/performance. Family Clinic ran by husband and wife team who are qualified sports therapists , strength coaches and injury rehabilitation personal trainers.
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