Overuse Injury Treatments in East Kilbride

leg and hip manual therapy movements on client

If your nursing a nagging pain that won't budge. You might be dealing with an overuse injury or RSI (that's short for repetitive strain injury). These niggling issues can crop up whether you're smashing it at the gym or typing away at a desk all day. One of the more common issues at the clinic we see but we are on hand to help you address these aches.


What Are Overuse Injuries and RSI?

Overuse injuries and RSI happen when you put too much stress on a part of your body, usually by doing the same movement over and over. It's like wearing out your favorite shoes – but it's your body taking the hit. Hopefully we don't see holes though!

Common issues we see include:
- Tennis elbow (and you don't need to play tennis to get it!)
- Runner's knee
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Shoulder impingement

What Causes These Issues?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but common culprits include:

1. Repeating the same movements at work or in sports
2. Poor technique or posture
3. Not giving your body enough rest between activities
4. Suddenly increasing your training intensity
5. Using equipment that doesn't fit you right

Our Initial Assessment can help pin down what's behind your discomfort.

Spotting the Signs

Keep an eye out for:
- Pain that gets worse when you do certain activities
- Aching or soreness, even when you're resting
- Tingling or numbness
- Weakness in the affected area
- Stiffness or reduced range of motion

How We Can Help at Outlaw

We've got a few ways on how we handle overuse injuries and RSI at the clinic:

1. Initial Assessment: We'll get to the bottom of what's going on and map out a plan.
2. Sports Massage: Great for easing tension and improving flexibility.
3. Deep Tissue Massage: Gets right into those stubborn knots.
4. Continued Treatments: We'll stick with you, tweaking your plan as you improve.
5. Gym-Based Rehab: Strengthen your body in a safe, controlled environment.
6. Exercise Therapy for Strength: Custom exercises to build strength and prevent future issues.

We've helped loads of people get back to doing what they love. Like Adam, who came to us with an overuse injury in his pec that was connected to a shoulder impingment from benching. Adam's a powerlifter and was few weeks out from comp so the goal was to allievate pain and not put stress on those muscles , while advising him to balance out his programming to strengthen around his injury and not comprimise too much during his peaking phase. Here's some of what Adam had to say "Highly recommend Ross to anyone that similar to myself, was clearly needing an overdue MOT done five weeks out from my competition lol" finish reading Adam's review over on Google.


Preventing Overuse Injuries and RSI

Prevention is better than cure, right? Here are some tips:

1. Mix up your activities to avoid overloading one area
2. Take regular breaks during repetitive tasks
3. Use proper technique in your activities
4. Gradually increase intensity in sports and exercise
5. Make sure your workstation is set up right

Our Gym-Based Rehab can help you put these tips into practice safely.

Why Choose Outlaw?

We're not just about treating injuries – we're about understanding you and your goals. Here's why people choose us:

- We've been there ourselves, so we get it , as avid gym goers and athletes ourselves we know how annoying an over use injury is or how it can lead to further injury if not picked up on early. but as always prevention is the key that's why we give yu the tools and knowledge you need to take prevention methods and recgonise the signs of when your body is experiening wear and tear.
- We look at the big picture, not just the sore bit , taken into consideration your lifestyle, goals and they why.
- We'll work around your schedule and treat you as an individual we hate the cookie cutter approach!

Here's what one of our clients said:

"I am now feeling incredibly loose and so much better than what I was. I will definitely be using Ross again in the future" 

read full review here

Want to know more about us? Check out our About Us page.

Common Questions

Q: Do I need to stop all activities if I have an overuse injury or RSI? A: Not necessarily. We can help you figure out what's safe to do and what to avoid for now.

Q: How long will it take to get better? A: It varies, but most people see improvements within 6-8 weeks with the right care. We'll give you a better idea after we've had a look.

Q: Can these injuries be fully healed? A: With the right approach, most people can get back to their activities comfortably. We'll work with you to get the best possible outcome.

Got more questions? Head over to our FAQ page.

Ready to Tackle Your Overuse Injury or RSI?

Whether you want to smash your fitness goals, work without discomfort, or just enjoy life without nagging aches, we're here on hand to help and trouble shoot your issue to get you back to feeling yourself and enjoying your hobbies and actvities without discomfort.

Book an Initial Assessment and let's get cracking on your recovery.  book online here.

At Outlaw, we don't just treat injuries - we help you build a stronger, more resilient you. We want  you to overcome limitations, smash your goals and feel brand new!

[Jargon Buster]

  • RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury): Another term for overuse injuries, often used when talking about work-related issues
  • Tennis elbow: Pain on the outside of the elbow, often from repetitive arm movements
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Tingling or numbness in the hand and wrist
  • Impingement: When a tendon gets irritated by rubbing against nearby tissues
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
4.30 PM - 8.00 PM
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
04.30 PM - 6.00 PM
08.00 AM - 12.00 PM
light writing version of outlaw athlete therapy logo sports therapy clinic in east kilbride
Outlaw Athlete Therapy Sports Therapy Clinic Located In East Kilbride , Glasgow. specialising in joint/muscle health , pain , injury and movment improvement/performance. Family Clinic ran by husband and wife team who are qualified sports therapists , strength coaches and injury rehabilitation personal trainers.
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